Thursday, 8 May 2014

ARTEMIS Space Programme

Open Source. Open Data. Open Space

The ARTEMIS Open Space Programme is creating a new revolution in Space Exploration and Development. 

Our Vision is to revolutionize the way we access Space by developing an Open Space Programme that is accessible and beneficial to everyone.

 The Artemis Open Space Programme will pave the way for civil society to access space. We seek to create opportunities for young people and adults to participate in our space missions. Through participating in the ARTEMIS Open Space Programme, you will be able to work alongside space scientists and engineers to gain new knowledge and skills, develop your ideas into experiments and applications and make exciting scientific discoveries.

ARTEMIS Space Academy

Cansat Challenge

The ARTEMIS Space Academy is an opportunity for young people, adult learners, families, communities, and businesses to gain new knowledge and skills through exploring space science, developing their ideas into experiments and applications and participating in real space missions.

Read more....


Calling all Mission Crew Members!

Call for Mission Crew

 Calls are now open for people to join our Mission Crew. Participate in our ARTEMIS Open Space Programme and work alongside our mission scientists and engineers for our forthcoming Lunar and Planetary missions.

To sign up, join the ARTEMIS Space Community Network. Sign up here...


Send a message to the Moon!

Google Lunar X PRIZEAnd send a broadcast to your friends, family and loved ones ! Take part in our historic mission to send a rover to the Moon as part of the Google Lunar X PRIZE.

For only £35 you can send your message to the Moon, take a photo of the Lunar Surface and send it to everyone you know! Read more...

Make your own Space Videos
ARTEMIS Sat Constellation Model

Book time on the Satellites and design your own experiments using our Sensor Suite. Take images and HD Video from space, monitor the world in motion and create your own applications.

With the onboard Sensor Suite you can design your own experiments, create your own apps, and monitor the earth 24 hours a day. Read more...



Access Mission Control through our App

ARTEMIS Mobile App
ARTEMIS Mission Control gives you direct access to the current progress of your mission and the ability to track where the ARTEMIS SmallSat fleet is at any one point in time. 
  • Receive notifications of when data from your mission arrives

  • Track the orbit of the SmallSats and plan your observations

  • Access the Skydiary for selecting celestial objects for observation and book your observing time

Access Mission Control here...

ARTEMIS is not just a Space programme. Our goal is to develop a series of conservation and education programmes to protect the planet, support sustainable development, and reach over 1 billion people in deprived communities to tackle poverty and find practical solutions to today’s societal challenges.

About Us

Practical Solutions for Today's Global Challenges

Science plays a part in our everyday lives, and its technological applications enables us to develop as a society. In our ever changing world, science plays a role which allows us as a civilisation to advance forward. At ARTEMIS Space our goal is to use science and technology as a tool to provide practical solutions to the global challenges we face. ARTEMIS Space will act as a nexus for facilitating cutting edge research, empowering citizens through enabling the acquisition of  education and skills, and providing technological services and products which benefit humanity

We aim to do this by facilitating a number of innovative projects with our ultimate goal of protecting the planet, supporting sustainable development, and reaching over 1 billion people in deprived communities to tackle poverty.

 The Artemis Open Space Programme will pave the way for civil society to access space to designing hands-on inquiry based workshops for learning, to developing a 21st century science and technology mobile museum, ARTEMIS Space is is leading the way forward in developing a broad range of products and services to provide a lasting impact.


1.1 Vision

ARTEMIS will act as global leader in research, science communication, science education, and public engagement. This will be achieved through promoting excellence in science and innovation, finding solutions to today’s social challenges, and empowering citizens with the acquisition of knowledge and skills to benefit their everyday lives.

1.2 Mission

  • To engage the public with science through dialogue and direct participation in decision making to facilitate science active citizenship

  • To bridge the gap between science, education, industry and the public

  • To develop solutions to today’s challenges through acting as platform for innovation through the application of science and technology

Objectives :

  • Increase the public’s awareness of science, promote widespread access to new knowledge, and act as a platform for engaging citizens in scientific research as “Citizen Scientists”

  • Support formal and informal science education using space as a tool for inspirational content and aspirational aspects for careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

  • Facilitate the transfer of knowledge from research and development to benefit our daily lives (health, medical research, technology, GPS, transport etc)

  • Development of technological applications through research and development such as micro-satellites for monitoring the Earth's climate and applications for conserving marine environments

  • Provide Teacher Training and educational support through the development of innovative related material developing key and core skills, including numeracy and literacy.

  • Engage with local industry and businesses, to drive the economy and support job creation.

Our Team

Ms Sotira Trifourki C.E.O
Sotira Trifourki C.E.O

Sotira was born in Manchester and is a wearer of many hats. By day she is Director of ARTEMIS Space, and by night she is a research astronomer working on Galaxy Formation/Evolution theories and Plasma Cosmology. Sotira had acted an Education working group member for the International Year of Astronomy 2009 and acts as the UK national contact point for Astronomers Without Borders. Sotira also acts as a member of the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) Science Outreach Network representing Cyprus.

A keen science educator and science communicator Sotira has initiated a number of education programmes based around astronomy and science education through her aims to make science accessible to all and to promote STEM careers to young people, including acting as a role model for young women scientists. She is a STEM Ambassador and has participated as a speaker in a number of astronomy and space science conferences. She is past president of the Association for Astronomy Education and currently acts as Vice President and is a member of the British Association of Planetaria and the Association for Science Education.

Contact Sotira at:

Michael "Halzzy" Kounoupias
Creative Director

 Michael "Halzzy" Kounoupias

Michael acts as our Creative Director, overseeing our music, arts and cultural projects. At a young age he realised his true calling was HipHop. He started freestyling with friends "spraying a bar here or there" as he calls it, and eventually started writing to instrumentals. He first stepped into a recording studio at 16 and has never looked back since. In early 2013 he started work on his forthcoming album "See No Evil"  contributing to Artemis Space soundtracks for our forthcoming planetarium shows and feature films.